- if the text is very long, it may be truncated in the grid
- if your text contains line-feeds, they are not displayed in the grid
The expression to convert into XML is the following. Pay attention to the special characters that must be escaped before casting to XML type !
CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(YourVarcharColumn, '&', '&'), '<', '<') AS XML)
Let's take an example:
/* ******************* */ /* CREATE SAMPLE TABLE */ /* ******************* */ CREATE TABLE OneTable ( Id INT IDENTITY(1, 1), LogDate DATETIME, TextColumn VARCHAR(4000) ) /* ******************************** */ /* FILL SAMPLE TABLE WITH SOME DATA */ /* ******************************** */ INSERT INTO OneTable ( LogDate, TextColumn ) VALUES (GETDATE(), 'Mignonne, allons voir si la rose Qui ce matin avoit desclose Sa robe de pourpre au Soleil, A point perdu ceste vesprée Les plis de sa robe pourprée, Et son teint au vostre pareil.') INSERT INTO OneTable ( LogDate, TextColumn ) VALUES (GETDATE(), 'Las ! voyez comme en peu d''espace, Mignonne, elle a dessus la place Las ! las ses beautez laissé cheoir ! Ô vrayment marastre Nature, Puis qu''une telle fleur ne dure Que du matin jusques au soir !') INSERT INTO OneTable ( LogDate, TextColumn ) VALUES (GETDATE(), 'Donc, si vous me croyez, mignonne, Tandis que vostre âge fleuronne En sa plus verte nouveauté, Cueillez, cueillez vostre jeunesse : Comme à ceste fleur la vieillesse Fera ternir vostre beauté.') /* ************************* */ /* SELECT DATA THE USUAL WAY */ /* ************************* */ SELECT Id, LogDate, TextColumn FROM OneTable /* **************************** */ /* SELECT DATA WITH CAST AS XML */ /* **************************** */ SELECT Id, LogDate, CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(TextColumn, '&', '&'), '<', '<') AS XML) AS TextColumn FROM OneTable /* ************************* */ /* CLEAN UP THE SAMPLE STUFF */ /* ************************* */ DROP TABLE OneTable
The first select, using varchar type, will return something like that:
Even if you can resize the column, admit this is not very user-friendly.
The second select, using XML cast, will return something like that:
Well... you will tell me this not more sexy... But if you click on the XML cells, it will display the exact text (except escape characters):
If you need to use it frequently, I recommend to create a scalar-valued function to do the job, which avoids you to type the boring replace/replace/cast expression !
CREATE FUNCTION CastVarcharToXml ( @Input VARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS XML AS BEGIN RETURN CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Input, '&', '&'), '<', '<') AS XML) ENDClearly, the limitations are :
- you have to click on every text you want to full-display out-of the grid
- the characters you had to escape (< and &) will be printed as escaped characters
Anyway, this might help you if you log long texts in your db, like .Net exceptions with call stack !
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